
Digital Communications in the Future

What does the future hold for digital communications?  CCO Licensed Image from Digital communication has come quite away in the past few years. There are many modes of video and voice communication available now that did not exist years ago. Even throughout 2020, many video communications channels have been fine-tuned to make the services run smoother and safer for users.  So how will this help us in the coming years? Being able to communicate digitally is becoming an essential part of every workplace. I would imagine that the future of digital communications would include the increased use of social media to help in the promotion of businesses, and video communication can be used to increase the efficiency of a workplace, especially if the business has multiple locations. Digital communications could include hologram communications. What could we benefit from this being added to our digital communication? This would all depend on the quality of how this technology was devel

Lending a hand in our community

 Work together.  That is what we need to do to help in our community.  Photo by  Dio Hasbi Saniskoro  from  Pexels The staff at Intrepid Travel Vacations recently spent some time volunteering at our local Salvation Army. During our time there, we helped to sort through many boxes of donations. Some boxes contained food donations, while other boxes contained clothing. The food donations were sorted and later added to the food bank pantry, and the clothes were organized by type and season. There were many winter coats and scarves which will be needed for our harsh Canadian winter.  Serving others in our community helps to bring us all together in our work and in our city. We are one community, and it is wonderful to have the opportunity to help out. We have been trying to come up with different ways to we can continue to contribute to our community. Our plans now include helping at the local SPCA, doing a toy drive at Christmas, and to repeat something we have done in previous years and

A day in the life of Intrepid Travel Vacations

 Hi, my name is Alyssa, and I am an administrative assistant at Intrepid Travel Vacations. Today we thought we would give you a glimpse into what my day looks like.                                       Photo by  from  Pexels My day at the office begins at 9 am every day.  The first thing I do when I arrive is to check my phone messages and emails. Sometimes clients have left messages while I was away for the evening and I dedicate the first half an hour of my day to responding to these messages. After that, morning meetings usually happen. During these meetings, we would typically discuss various company functions. As an administrative assistant, it's my responsibility to take notes during these meetings. After the meeting, I would send the minutes out to be reviewed by everyone present.  The rest of my day usually varies depending on the day. For example, if it were the beginning of the month then I would usually start creating content to be posted throughout the m


  Let me be the first to say welcome to the Intrepid Travel Vacations blog!  Why have a blog for a travel agency, you may ask? We want you to have a front-row seat to see how a travel company is run. Who creates the vacations, who makes them possible, and what we do on a day to day basis. As a travel company we have a wealth of knowledge to share on what are must see spots when on vacation and how to get the most out of your experience. Having a blog allows us to offer that knowledge to travelers and who doesn't enjoy learning a few tricks of the industry? Have you ever wondered what goes on at a travel agency? Well, come along with us as we show you a glimpse into who we are! So to begin, who are we? Intrepid Travel Vacations is a travel agency based out of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We have a small office with big dreamers on our team! We have been operating for 13 years and throughout the years our operations an